i hate hoge

he is a rat


funny cat caught a rat and left it in the hallway

here is some very important news about rats that everyone should know
boiled rats are very tasty!
thats what you look like after eating a rat
so everyone should eat more rats and then there will be no more hoges in the world

the workings of a hoge crunching machine

a hoge crunching machine is a finely tuned piece of equipment dedicated to crunching hoges
to setup a hoge crunching machine takes 200 men!
but it is the most efficient crunching machine in the universe so its all worth it

to crunch a hoge takes exactly about 1.7 seconds,
this is due to the extreme precision required to bring the hoge to its doom
but when that has happened, the hoge simply ceases to exist
any more detail is a trade secret

unfortunately it is so expensive only one has been built so far
we can but hope for increased adoption in the market