how auth/metadata grabbing will work if/when we (have to?) switch to multi-regions
got cached stuff from first run now
use the grpc/protobuf api made for this purpose downloader script self-written .proto file to decode it decode done with le top sekrit gchq software (cyberchef) but hmm, then i would have to figure out how to properly deal with protobufs no prior art in yt-dlp that i can copy from afaik
alternatively, some pages on the new mobile site have area details in the big json blob todo: find examplesad time, they got rid of it
you can set the query ?prefecture=JP1 to get stations in that
idk what annex means, cf seems to mean cloudflare though
idk which one to use, app seems to prefer cf, site does direct
both seem exactly the same, cf is faster i guess (local